Gutter and Roof Cleaning
Whether you’re building is new or old and you’re a building owner or tenant, regular maintenance will be required to your gutter and roof area. If you’re a tenant in a commercial landlords property, you are likely to require proof of the roof gutter and roof system having regular maintenance and inspection of your tenancy agreement. This procedure provides you with an element of protection in relation to insurance company proof of maintenance in the unlikely event that the building envelope suffers a failure and is subject to rain ingress that damages internal stock and building fabric, which could lead to higher insurance premiums.
A typical tenancy procedure will require the gutters and roofing system to be inspected and cleaned twice yearly although this may be more regular where the building location is more susceptible to nesting birds. The building fabric will typically be provided with maintenance procedure documentation that if not followed may invalidate the warranty.
The service we provide is undertaken in line with the manufacturers maintenance and cleaning guidance for the specific building fabric and is supported by a detailed report provided after the service has been completed.
Drone Service – Roof Inspection
If access and time is limited, we can supply aerial drone videos for a minimal cost, before quoting on the full job.